103014 || 12:04AM || "Not Hearing From You"

I like not hearing from you
Because some days I feel good and strong
And I lessen the guilt knowing how much we cared
Convincing myself that
you have moved on.

I like not hearing from you
Because most days I cannot pull through
And I lessen the pain knowing how much we cared
Convincing myself that
you miss me too.

- ar

Wednesday, November 4, 2015


Hair is cut and beards are shaved
Improve with age like wine
Bodies wither inevitably
But I will always remember

Caring hands and loving arms
The things not rightly mine
Years will try to steal them back
Still I will always remember

Rain will pour and swings will creek
While sunsets change their hues
Beauty burrows into the heart
So I will always remember

Feelings fade and faces change
And what we search for too
We may outgrow the love we have
But I will always remember
