103014 || 12:04AM || "Not Hearing From You"

I like not hearing from you
Because some days I feel good and strong
And I lessen the guilt knowing how much we cared
Convincing myself that
you have moved on.

I like not hearing from you
Because most days I cannot pull through
And I lessen the pain knowing how much we cared
Convincing myself that
you miss me too.

- ar

Monday, January 26, 2015

If Ever

If ever there does come a day
I wish more not to see
Please lock me up inside myself
And throw away the key
For rather would I bear life's pain
A while with all it's woe
Than end my life forsaking
All the love I've yet to know

- ar


I stopped finishing songs lyrics
I stopped my poetry too
I stopped because at some point
I started writing just for you.

I'm starting to get better
I'm starting to like distance
I'm starting to write songs again
I'm stopping this resistance.

- ar

Everlong Nights

You know, you're still my lullaby,
The place my slumber lies.
Your words, the swaying mobile
that danced above my eyes.

Now that you're gone,
so is my rest.
I close my eyes in vain.
Wide awake I spend my nights
with walks down memory lane.

Nocturnal now, like wolves at hunt,
while you remain the sheep.
I'm still here counting
endless minutes,
I don't get to sleep.

- ar


Falling isn't pleasant
I'd rather jump or roll
For falling is an action
That's done with no control
Falling isn't pleasant
You may as well have drowned
For falling means at some point
You're bound to hit the ground

- ar

Eyes Are The Window

I lost myself inside your eyes
While searching for your soul
The window not quite clear enough
I sought some crack or hole

Perhaps I should have been more shrewd
And not slipped down your mind
All through your head
Then in your chest
I should have stayed behind

I lost myself inside your eyes
Then fell and saw the view
I found your soul inside your heart
And found myself there, too

- ar


You seem to be convinced
I forgot our love was true
You seem to be convinced
I have gotten over you

While here I am convinced
Your love will always seize me
But we deserve to move on
And I just want that easy

- ar

For Sweetness

Sweet, don't keep yourself down
You have so much to offer
In this cold and harsh world
A warm heart makes it softer

- ar

Short Poems

Short poems are easy to write
They are quick to think up
and bombard me at night
Though I miss our long verses
and exchanges of rhyme
I know they belong
to a simpler time.

- ar

Not A Day

Is it difficult for you to fall asleep?

Do you think about me still?

Not a day's gone by I haven't thought of you.

And I fear one never will.

- ar